Programme Elements
An overview of how you will benefit from being part of this exclusive group
Element #1
Commercial Property Investing Brain Transplant
Once you’ve signed up to the Mastermind, there’s no sitting back, kicking your feet up, and waiting for the Programme to begin - one of the key features of a successful Mastermind group is that the members must be on the same collective wavelength.
Only then can you really start pushing the boundaries as a group.
You may have already attended Ranjan's Commercial Property Course in the past, but this eight module course will act as a valuable refresher and includes updated content tailored for current market conditions.
Not doing so would be doing a disservice to both you and to the group. It is the first fundamental step to a high quality Mastermind group.
Element #2
Your very own "Mastermind Group"
The Direct Benefits to You:
- We will meet 10 times a year (every month except for August and December). This is a business meeting, the meetings are held on a week day during normal business hours.
- The focus is on supporting you to achieve your property goals; and to discuss your issues and the problems you are facing.
- This is not a networking event (although you will network and meet like-minded people.) At these meetings you will receive mentorship and support, guidance, tips, insider secrets and resources worth much more than the cost of the programme.

- The group acts more like a 'non-executive board of Directors' for your property business; a privilege and a benefit normally only available to larger corporations.
- In a short time you will get to know, like and trust other members of your Mastermind Group. As this happens joint venture property deals will no doubt be done between group members. This will be actively encouraged and you will be provided with the support you need to make your joint venture deals.
- You will benefit from my network and my personal Mastermind group. I will bring to meetings specialist experts in everything from property development, tax, financial planning, legal, commercial finance and so much more.

Celebrating deals done at a recent Mastermind Meeting. Joanna completing on the purchase of a pub and Srini & Devi celebrating completion of a purchase of a former bank building
Element #3
Two Private Group Coaching Calls Each Month
We hold two video coaching calls each month, which are scheduled in between our monthly meetups. These two group coaching calls are as follows:
- Accountability Call: This is designed to ensure you keep on track and I help you clear whatever 'blockages' you encounter.
- Mentoring Call: This acts as a valuable ‘extra meeting’ where unresolved issues can be properly addressed. It's an opportunity for you to ask me questions 1-on-1, but also allows you to listen in on others' questions. This follows on from our philosophy that questions should be asked openly within the group, and not in private. This way everybody's learning goes up exponentially.
In reality, the Mastermind group meets at least three times each month, helping accelerate your progress.
Element #4
One-To-One Strategy Coaching With Ranjan
Mastermind members benefit from one-to-one strategy coaching calls directly with Ranjan. Each member benefits from one one-to-one strategy coaching session per quarter. Members use these sessions for business advice, strategy validation, to give the once over on a deal, help solve project blockages or anything else to keep you powering ahead.
Element #5
Members Only Private Discussion Forum
It's like having your very own board of advisers…on steroids
We have a private member’s discussion forum group where you may post questions and talk to each other at any time between meetings. And, of course, I will be weighing in with our answers to questions so that everyone may benefit.
Do you want to ask the whole Mastermind group something but just forgot to ask it at the last meeting? Or just thought of something in the middle of the night? Just post it on the private, Mastermind discussion board.
I encourage everyone to download the App onto their phone and contribute to discussions during otherwise dead-time, throughout the day. I contribute and answer questions on a daily basis and encourage other group members to do so also.
Think of how much more insight, advice and creative suggestions (maybe even future partnerships) you'll get from the ENTIRE group -- a room full of "Masterminds" -- responding to your questions!
It is unlike any other forum you've ever frequented online, because it is a vetted, selected group of high-calibre individuals all on the same page as one another. It also doesn't suffer from any of the problems of public online forums... trolls are non-existent and threads do not descend into character attacks, because we all know that we're meeting up next month and have to look each other in the eye!
The best bit? We don't start the forum afresh at the beginning of a new Mastermind cohort. It means you have plenty of questions and answers from Masterminders, past and present. A veritable archive of expert opinion, almost every possible question related to property investing has already been answered, and they're all available at your fingertips.
Questions and answers aside, it is also a great resource to put out the feelers on deals you find. Your Mastermind group can help you confirm your gut instincts, or warn you away from potential pitfalls. This solidarity can be just as important as specific answers to specific questions.
Element #6
Access Recordings Of All Meets Any Time, Any Place Anywhere
There is a lot going on each month: One full day session, two group coaching calls and Zoom Coffee Morning Q&A's.
You may not be able to make each of these meetups, or you may want to listen again to some of the discussions.
You will have exclusive access to recordings of all sessions via our online access portal. We even provide you with a mobile phone App so you can playback any session, anytime, anywhere!
Element #7
Baker Street Property Meet - Mastermind VIP Member
Many of you will know that Ranjan hosts the Baker Street Property Meet, the UK's largest property investors networking event where over 300 property investors meet to network in Central London each month (Covid restrictions permitting!). Ranjan is pretty well connected in the property industry and attracts the best and most knowledgeable industry experts who come to share their knowledge at these events.
As a Mastermind VIP member you have priority front row seating (in what is always a busy room) and Mastermind VIP members get to ask their questions to our guest speakers first. You will also have online access to professionally recorded videos of over 50 talks from 50 leading industry experts.
Our Mastermind members tell us that attending the Baker Street Property Meet is essential for networking and building their contacts. It also serves as a reference point, the Mastermind Programme is a 'hot-house' of commercial property learning. When your peer group are all growing and learning at a rapid pace, you only appreciate how far you have come when you interact with 'regular' property investors at these meetups.